Saturday, August 11, 2012

Swim Lessons

This summer Brazos and Sandy both took swim lessons.  Brazos took them in June and Sandy had to wait until August because she had to turn 6 months old to be in the class.  So as soon as she could start swimming, she was at the pool!

It was so much fun to sit on the side of the pool and watch Brazos swim with his teachers.  I've been waiting for that day when I could sit back and watch my kids do something on their own.  When Brazos was born I was one of those naive parents that took him home and was saying, "What do you mean he can't play baseball yet?  He doesn't even move!  When can we throw a ball back and forth?!"

He had two awesome teachers that did a terrific job with the kids.  There were five little kids in his class with him.  They learned how to blow bubbles, jump in the water, reach under the water to pick up toys, float, kick, and move their arms in the water.  He was the youngest in his class, but of course you would have thought he was one of the oldest because he's so tall.

The teachers knelt down to be level with the kids,
so all the kids thought they had to kneel down, too.

During Sandy's swim lessons I was in the pool with her; therefore, I do not have any photos of her swimming.  Luckily, a local photographer was at the pool one day taking photos of all the kids swimming, so I can order her picture.  I wish you could have seen her.  She was so darn cute in her pink swim suit with white polka dots and a pink tutu.  She enjoyed the water for about the first 20 minutes, but last ten minutes of class she would wine.  And of course it was when the teacher was ready to sing "If You're Happy and You Know It."  By the last day the teacher decided to sing that song first.

She even met her birthday twin!  He was in her class and they were born on the same day.  I find it very exciting when you meet someone born on the exact same day as you.  You both have walked the earth the same amount of time. I met my birthday twin while in college at Texas A&M.  We had a class together and we had to find the person whose birthday was closest to our own.  Needless to say...he was the closest!

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