Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Sandy's Half Birthday!

To the most adorable little girl in "Our Little Piece of the World,"

Today is your half birthday!  That means that you are six months old!  My how the first half of the year flew by.  I love you in so many ways.

I love how you stare at me from across the room.
I love the moments we share lying in my bed, just the two of us in the middle of the day with the sun shining through the window.
I love that you have discovered how to hold your own bottle.
I love it when you fall asleep in my arms.
I love how you are curious and wanting to grab at everything.
I love that you inspire me to sew.
I love to have you model all the baby clothes that I create.
I love to take your picture.
I love all the squeaks and squeals you make.
I love to watch you roll from your back to your tummy.
I love to watch you sleep in your bed.  You look so tiny curled up in your big bed.
I love that you have an amazing big brother who loves you unconditionally.
I love it when you reach your tiny little fingers to touch my face.
I love to watch you smile at your daddy when he comes home from work.
I love how you stick out your tongue and make funny faces.
I love the sandy blonde hair on the top of your head.  It's beautiful in the sunlight.
I love your bright blue eyes.
I love all fourteen pounds of you.
I love to anticipate all the fun things we will do together as you grow.
I love how you stop crying and look up and smile at me when I begin to sing to you at night.

I could go on and on about all the ways I love you.  But most of all I just love the fact that YOU are my daughter.  Happy Half Birthday, Sandy!


The Most Adorable Six Month Old in "Our Little Piece of the World"

The Amazing Big Brother

1 comment:

  1. Happy half birthday Sandy! BJ - I LOVE that picture of Brazos!


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